Mr. Sam Neffendorf

Freedom Here and Now

Matrix Reimprinting, EFT Coach and Trainer in Bristol

Therapy Provides:
EFT (MTT) Tapping

Therapy Provides:
EFT (MTT) Tapping

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Therapy Provides:
EFT (MTT) Tapping

About Freedom Here and Now

Do you feel trapped by your life circumstances? Would you like support and to learn techniques that empower you to achieve freedom, happiness and success……permanently?

As an emotional health specialist, I love to support others to overcome the blocks in their life and move forwards into their life of choice. That is why I am offering a range of programs designed to empower you in the present and transform your future.

To achieve this, I use a wide range of techniques, including Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting, which are collectively known as Energy Psychology. These are cutting edge processes that combine working with the mind and balancing the energy system to achieve quick and long lasting results on emotional health. This is an area that is often overlooked in current medical practice, which focuses on the body and the mind only. Negative emotions, such as stress, anger or grief can affect you just as much, in a variety of ways. Physical imbalances such as cravings or phobias almost always have emotional roots.

By addressing these emotional imbalances, you can remove the blockages that have prevented you from reaching your full potential. Fear of public speaking may have stopped you from achieving a promotion or reaching the audience you need to be successful; a phobia of flying could be getting in the way of you enjoying holidays abroad; stress could be stopping you getting a good night’s sleep; ongoing grief may be damaging relationships with your family and preventing you from moving forward in life.

If you have something that is holding you back from the maximum enjoyment of your life, could now be the time to try these powerful yet gentle and enjoyable techniques?

My training, work experience and any achievement

These days, I mostly live on my own terms. I have a wonderful family, make a good living doing work that I love and have a fantastic work life balance. I’m also involved with many great people and exciting projects to bring positive change to the world. All of this has come about through my intention and focus on creating the life that I want. While I haven’t had a hard life, compared to many people, it certainly didn’t always flow in the same joyful and exciting way that it does now.

I’m not saying that I don’t have rough days, weeks or even months, but the thing is that I’m far more resilient to these kind of events now, as I’m very clear on the long-term effects and benefits of focusing on creating the life that I want (even if I admit that I don’t always walk my talk – and I’m okay with that!)

Like most people, when I (thought I had) finished my education at age 22, I still had no idea about what I was going to do with my life. So I got a job photocopying application forms at a large independent financial advice firm. While it was mind numbingly tedious and I felt real internal conflict about the ethics of the firm and the industry as a whole, I couldn’t think of a better way to make a living at the time – well actually, I thought of loads. I just never made the effort and stepped into the perceived risk of creating my own path. So I just did what I thought was right, with the societal conditioning and beliefs that I had created throughout my life so far. I worked and studied just as hard as I needed to progress in an industry that was completely incongruent with who I am. Fortunately, I had great friends and an amazing romantic partnership (still going strong today) so we partied hard and work simply fuelled that.

Following this, I spent many years working in the corporate world. While appearing successful, this life was extremely unsatisfying and I knew I had to make changes. I thought I was going to escape, when in 2004 I went away travelling and swore I would never go into financial services again. I was convinced I would be struck by inspiration and, although we had an awesome time, managed to keep going for 2 years and I started to expand my mind by learning Reiki, when I came back to England, I was still no clearer on what I wanted to do with my life and ended up, in line with my conditioning and beliefs, back doing a job I excelled at, yet felt deeply unhappy about. Eventually, at another get out opportunity of a redundancy, I almost escaped with the intention of training as an acupuncturist, yet was dragged back in, becoming a director of a company I felt absolutely no connection with for 3 years.

So I kept plodding along in a cycle of uninspiring work and excessive partying until, at the end of 2010, I was told by my (well meaning) GP that I was very unlikely to have children. While this was a terrible shock, I didn’t just accept it and started exploring other options. Following a three month programme of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, my son, Zed was conceived just one month later and is now a happy, healthy three year old. I also used powerful visualisation techniques to bring this about.

Around the same time, I discovered EFT and used it and other techniques to clear all of the blocks to leaving my job and creating what I wanted in life. Now, looking back, I am amazed at how my life has changed and become so much more than I had ever imagined. And this all happened and now continues to happen, due to my learning how to change my beliefs and emotional triggers and consciously create the life that I want.

Now my dream is to guide as many people as I can to stand up for themselves and realise their potential to have an amazing life. I love to support anyone who wants to move beyond the mental slavery of collective and individual limiting beliefs keeping them stuck. I believe that now is the perfect time for this work to make a massive difference in the world and change our reality.

Further Information

The Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as Meridian Tapping Techniques or just Tapping, are a range of procedures that combine the use of light acupressure with conversation to resolve a specific problem. They look very odd and it is hard for many people to initially believe that they will work. However, they are often extremely quick and effective, whether believed in or not!

The basic techniques are very simple and can be learned in 5 minutes by anybody for self work – please watch the video below if you would like to do this. However, in order to resolve the deeper underlying issues, it is important to work with a skilled practitioner who will know how to ask the right questions and listen effectively in order to help you pinpoint and eliminate the specific problem. The symptom that you want to treat will often have a deep root cause that seems completely unrelated.

Unlike many other forms of therapy, EFT is extremely gentle and does not usually require bravery or the facing up to a problem to resolve it. This is because the tapping procedure eliminates the energetic blocks attached to the problem, therefore allowing any stored negative emotions to be released. Therefore, it is very effective in dealing with trauma, fear, phobia, grief and other issues that could be hard to face up to.

While it is possible to have a very quick ‘eureka’ moment and resolve a problem in one round, some issues have been built up over an entire lifetime, so may take a number of sessions to dissolve. In addition, sessions may take an unexpected direction as new aspects come to the surface. However, EFT is often much quicker than ‘traditional’ forms of therapy.

I am able to offer sessions either face to face for those living in the Bristol area or by phone/skype if you are further afield. Both can be equally effective.

Matrix Re-imprinting is a range of techniques that evolved from EFT. It was created by EFT Master, Karl Dawson and is noted for its ability to change the negative thoughts and pictures in your field, past, present and future.

The negative pictures around past memories can cause you stress and disease in the present. By creating new pictures you send a message to your subconscious that the issue is resolved and are able to experience profound healing here and now. The techniques can also be used to imprint a positive future event or events, which can have a very powerful impact on you fulfilling your intentions.

It is incredibly effective and offers the following benefits:
Quickly finds and enables resolution of core issues, related trauma and beliefs
Enables wisdom and forgiveness to be gained from past events
Sends a message to the body/cells/DNA the trauma is over
Resources the client and rewrites the past while acknowledging the journey they have been on
Enables influence over the future using the law of attraction in a very powerful way
Locates pre-conscious trauma (pre 6 years) even if beyond awareness and conscious memory
Matrix re-imprinting is a very creative process for both the client and practitioner and can be a lot of fun as well as tremendously empowering.

As well as dealing with the symptoms of their issues, I can enable people to identify why they are experiencing them and come to terms with or move beyond them.

If you would like to discuss your situation, confidentially and without obligation, please feel free to contact me by phone or email for an initial consultation at no cost to you.


  • English

Other concerns & issues I deal with

    ‘Stress’ is a term used to describe the physical and emotional effects of the prolonged activation of a normal human defensive system.

    When you perceive a threat (real or imagined, past or future) your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones such as adrenaline that prepare the body for emergency action.

    In times gone by, this was an important mechanism to deal with the real danger of a rival trying to stove your head in with a rock. However, in modern life we are often faced with a range of perceived threats such as money worries or problems at work and we have not evolved to process these in a different way than the very physical dangers of our ancestors. In fact, we can become stressed through worrying about things that don’t even come about.

    The effects of long lasting stress can be very serious. Some of the most life threatening conditions such as heart disease, cancer and stroke are able to take hold in someone whose immune system is compromised by stress as the important hormones produced during relaxation are not available to help the body to function correctly.

    Fortunately, there are a number of techniques that can help people relax and release from stress, including the emotional freedom techniques that I offer. Therefore, I would really like to speak to anyone who feels stressed. I may be able to help them relax and even live a longer and happier life.
    Fears and phobias are learned responses that usually have their base in early childhood. While they can be directly related to the object, such as a child learning to fear spiders when their mum screams as one runs across the floor, it is often the case that a seemingly unrelated event in early childhood can manifest as a phobia in later life.

    I have a good track record of using EFT to eliminate fears and phobias, including arachnophobia, fear of flying, and a severe fear of drinking water from a glass that the client had picked up at age seven when her sister told her that her glass was full of fish eggs after she had finished it. In most cases a client will feel something shift in one session, and most fears and phobias will cause either a minimal or no response after just three or four sessions.

    It is not exposure therapy, which effectively makes the client live through the fear. The object is not for the client to be brave, but rather to use a series of gentle techniques to eliminate the emotional response to the phobia before attempting to test it.

    In addition to helping anyone who wants a gentle but permanent resolution to a fear of phobia, I would like to help any dentists who are interested in offering their patients a way of overcoming their odontophobia.
    Work is probably the greatest overall contributor to peoples stress. In the UK, each case of work related stress, depression or anxiety leads to an average of 30.2 lost working days.

    Most companies send their staff on training courses, but how many of these help them to manage and understand how emotions influence and control the behaviour of individuals and teams?

    Some of the benefits of using EFT in the workplace could include:
    Removing the fear of giving presentations, making phone calls and holding meetings
    Overcoming emotional barriers to success
    Empowering sales staff to achieve targets
    Creating a positive environment
    Reducing anxiety dealing with problem customers
    Reducing sickness absence due to stress, anxiety or personal emotional problems
    Increasing motivation
    Managers or owners overcoming their own issues
    Feeling able to receive and give criticism in a constructive way
    Accepting change more easily
    I can work with either individuals or groups to reduce work related stress, a problem which is more common now than any time that I can remember.

Concerns & issues I deal with

Therapy Provides

  • EFT (MTT) Tapping

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Freedomhereandnow emotional freedom techniques by skype or in person helps you find true freedom and happiness in your life.

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